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Hommage à Barbara [english] - Introduction


Hommage à Barbara
Discography / Collections
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Be honest, we all have an admiration to our very special famous ladies, don't we? We love to see them on the silver screen, and in melancholy moments we listen to them "home alone". Some of us need their Callas, Sutherland or Lenya, others prefer Horne, Lee or Vaughan. (Pardon me, if these are not yours, I know, there are so many more ...) Mine is BARBARA, sings french chansons and is not so well known at this time outside France and Canada. But I know, that she is a hot tip to a minority worldwide, 'cause there are CDs made in Japan, and I bought two very rare CDs at Tower Records in New York City some years ago. On November, 24th 1997 Barbara died at age 67. When I read about this in the news, I was shocked, because her music accompanied me and my feelings for so many years. Her last (wonderful!) album came out just in 1997. To express my grief and affection I dedicated a special page to Barbara.

Hamburg, Germany

- the complete version of this website
is available in german language, only -


Barbara about Barbara

Je ne suis pas une grande dame de la chanson I am not a great lady of the Chanson
Je ne suis pas une tulipe noire I am not a black tulip
Je ne suis pas poète I am no poet
Je ne suis pas un oiseau de proie I am not a bird of prey
Je ne suis pas désespérée du matin au soir I am not desperate from morning to midnight
Je ne suis pas une mante religieuse I am not a praying mantis
Je ne suis pas dans les tentures noires I am not in the black tapestries
Je ne suis pas une intellectuelle I am not an intellectual one
Je ne suis pas une héroïne I am not a heroine

Je suis une femme qui chante.

I am a woman, who sings.


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Hommage à Barbara

Hommage à Barbara
Discography / Collections
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